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News & Events 2016

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PHOTOS - 17/10/2016

Photos of finals night are now in the gallery section. New ones will be added daily.
If you require any photos please let Andy Beal know.

FINALS NIGHT - 15/10/2016

Oxford Singles...Pete Rampton
Ted Houghton Singles...Liam Costar
Oxford Pairs..Terry Stuart & Pete Coates
Lower Pairs....Kenny Keep & Gareth Williams
Parent & Child...Pete & Den Sellar
Monty Greenaway Fours...The Gladiators
Oxford Fours....Littlemore British Legion
Under 18's ...Liam Costar
Greene King Cup...The Gladiators A
Jim Whitbread Cup...The Blackbird


7.15pm start
Jim Whitbread Cup
Under 18's
Lower Section Pairs
Parent & Child
Oxford Pairs
Ted Houghton Singles
Monty Greenaway Fours
Oxford Singles
Oxford Fours
Greene King Cup
Appox 9.30pm Presentation of Trophies by Oxford Utd Managing Director Greig Turnbull and Greene King representative Rob Pearl.

FINALS NIGHT - 16/09/2016

At the Kassam Stadium, first game 7.15pm Tickets are £3.00 each, and everyone must pay, including those playing in any finals. Tickets from Kevin Giles on 07774206854, Andy Beal 07786962726, The Gladiators Club or at the door on the night. Ten trophies are awarded to each Section Winner, any extras are £15.00 and must be paid before being ordered.
All teams and players that have trophies from last season please return them asap to The Gladiators Club or Kevin Giles.

PLAY OFFS - 14/09/2016

Garsington Sports A beat Yarnton British Legion 2-1 in the Section One play off and Florence Park A won the three way play off in Section 3

Parent & Child Competition - 08/09/2016

The Parent & Child and Under 18's competition takes place at the Six Bells Kidlington on Monday 12th September 8.00pm.

IMPORTANT NEWS - 07/09/2016


All outstanding and final games must be played tonight, Wednesday 7th September. NO games will be allowed after this date. League tables are decided by points only. Any playoffs will be played on Wednesday 14th September, venue to be decided by the committee.
Please get the result cards in ASAP, you can send a picture of the card in early if you wish, this will help to update the leagues.

Singles & Pairs Results - 05/09/2016

The Oxford Singles will be between Luke Purcell (The George A) and Pete Rampton (Six Bells D Kidlington).
The Ted Houghton Singles will be between Dave Simms (The Blackbird) and Liam Costar (Masons Arms)
Full results in the competitions section

Singles & Pairs Play Offs - 03/09/2016

The Oxford Singles & Pairs play offs will be held at The Chequers Quarry on Monday 5th September.
The Ted Houghton Singles & Lower Pairs play offs will be held at The George Littlemore on Monday 5th September. All details in the competitions section.
All players to be present for the draw at 7.50pm for a 8.00pm start.

Under 18s competiton - 31/08/2016

Under 18's competition Will take place on Monday 12th September at The Six Bells Kidlington

8.00pm start before the Parent & Child competition.
Leighton Sewell
Tom Finney
Liam Costar
Kieran Sellar

Fours Semi-Finals this Monday - 20/08/2016

The Oxford Fours & Monty Greenaway Fours Semi-Finals will both be played at The Red Lion Old Marston, 8.00pm start.



The final of the Greene King Cup will be between The Gladiators A & Garsington Sports Club A.

The final of The Jim Whitbread Cup will be between The Blackbird & Littlemore British Legion.


All in the competitions section. Both semi-finals to be played on Monday 22nd August at The Red Lion Marston. 8.00pm start.


Section 9 team The Corner House have pulled out of the league.

All results and dolls have been removed and league table updated.


PLAY OFF VENUES - 03/08/2016

The Oxford Singles & Pairs will be played on Monday 5th September at The Chequers Quarry. 8.00pm start.
The Ted Houghton & Lower Section Pairs will be played on Monday 5th September at The George Littlemore. 8.00pm start.
The Under 18's competition will be held on finals night.

SINGLES RESULTS - 28/07/2016


Congratulations to Rob Bradford, Roger Goodall, Darren Cox, Pete Sellar, Adam Baker, Chris Jenkins, Pete Rampton, Luke Purcell who got through to the Quarter finals of the Oxford Singles and to
Phil Hounslow, Dave Simms, David Lammin, Ian Bowler, Garry Rees, James Dineen, Kevin Flynn, Liam Coster, who got thorugh to the Quarter Finals of the Ted Houghton Cup.
FULL results in the competitions section



Aunt Sally should be a fun night out. We all want to win but it should not be at the expense of fair play and rapport between the teams. However what we have found this season from the beginning is some nastiness and intimidating behaviour creeping in. This has ranged from harassment when players are throwing, threats and general aggressive behaviour. This will not be tolerated. Sanctions that can be given for any of the above is a warning, suspension from the league, expulsion from the league and future entry the following season.
We are lucky to secure sponsorship for the past number of years from Greene King that helps to keep the league going and we do not want to do anything that jeopardises our relationship.

The main bone of contention is sticking up and calling of dolls. This has been going on since the game started and is no different now apart from the attitude of players. Bad calls happen in all kinds of sport whether it be football, cricket, rugby, and in Aunt Sally it happens from the Premier Section down to the bottom sections and even on finals night. When a player argues with the sticker up/ caller the player is basing his position on a belief that they either misperceived what happened or doesn't know how apply the rules correctly, or is lying or cheating.
We hope that most of the time these are genuine errors, and it does happen. Not one team can hold their hand up and say they have never given a bad call. If you think a bad call has been given please do not all start moaning out loud while the player is still throwing, (he or she has not called it) but hold your displeasure until after the leg. I’m quite sure none of you have said when a call has gone in your favour ‘Nope, don’t give me that’.
If you are not happy, the captain only should have quiet word with the opposite captain that you are not best pleased, but that will be the end of the matter. You can always put in a complaint after the game to the committee.

Also, Wednesday nights is the night for Oxford Aunt Sally. If you want to change a game the other team do not have to agree, it may be inconvenient or impossible for them to do so. Don't go blaming that team, look at yourselves to see why you have been put in that position.

What we will not accept is some of the aggressive and bad behaviour that have been reported to us or we have heard from others. Enough is enough and we can not let the reputation of The Oxford Aunt Sally League be destroyed.
The committee has many sanctions that can be used, as previously mentioned.
We do not want it to come to that, we need to get back the fun in playing on Wednesday nights and for both teams to have a good night. Remember the landlord has final say who can come onto their premises, and they can bar any player even during the game, and they will not be allowed to play at that particular pub or club in future.


The Monty Greenaway and Oxford Fours Quarter Final draw has been made.
The Greene King Cup and Jim Whitbread Cup Semi-Final venues have been decided.
All in the Competitions section.


All results in the competition section.


The Monty Greenaway and Oxford fours takes place on Monday 18th July. Full draw in the competitions section.

MISSING CARDS - 11/07/2016

The following result cards are missing. committee will decide on the result of these games.
22/06; Section 9, Corner House v Gladiators C
29/06: Section 3, Section 6; Chequers B v Prince Of Wales; Section 9 Original Swan B v Headington Con Club
06/07: Section 8; White Hart v Cricketers Arms: Section 9 Original Swan B v White House

Cup results - 11/07/2016

All results are in the Competition section.

Late Cards - 03/07/2016

Please return the result cards ASAP. All cards received by the Saturday after the game will be put in the Oxford Mail and a possible report about the game. I have to send the report and pictures to the Oxford Mail by Sunday evening. Any result cards received after then could miss out even if you hit 18!.

LATEST NEWS - 03/07/2016

Check the News & Events Section for the latest news.

Pictures - 27/06/2016

Please take a team picture or of individuals that have played well and send to me. We may be able to use them in the Oxford Mail reports

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