News & Events 2020
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2021 SEASON - 31/12/2020
Next Monday should have been our 2021 AGM. However with the current situation this has been cancelled until further notice. We are considering holding a Zoom meeting at sometime to get your thoughts on the coming season. In all reality it does not look like the season will be able to start us usual in April. We can not even start planning yet until we have more positive news about this virus.
At best I think we will be looking at a nine week season possibly starting in June/July, however we thought like this last year and it didn't happen.
Unfortunately we have lost some teams to pubs closing and sadly have lost players due to Covid, and our thoughts goes out to those families.
I will keep you up to date as much as possible on here and on our Facebook page.

It is with great regret that the committee have decided to cancel the Oxford & District Aunt Sally season this year in its entirety. This is the first time that the league has not run since 1942. Records show that G.Smith from the Black Boy was the first ever singles winner in 1938, there was a break during the war 1939-41 and resumed in 1942. After discussing the many options that were put forward to us, it was decided that it would be impossible to run any sort of league this season, mainly due to the problems some pubs would have to accommodate two teams of Aunt Sally safely. We don’t even know if all pubs will be opening again and if all players would be available or want to play. This would have been on our 10th week of the season by now, and the weather has been the best for many years.
For those that are still keen to play this year we are looking at running some kind of competitions (not associated with the league) in late August/September if it is safe to do so.
All entrance fees will be held for next season to cover all team and players costs. If you wish to have your entrance fee refunded please contact Kevin Giles in writing.27 Rosamund Road, Wolvercote, Oxford, OX2 8NU Name of team and who we are refunding to by end of July. All refunds will be by Cheque only.
Below is how the sections would have been

COVID-19 JUNE UPDATE - 26/06/2020
There is a committee meeting on Monday 29th June to decide the outcome of this seasons Aunt Sally. An announcement will be on the website Tuesday morning and in the Oxford Mail later.
Firstly, We hope everyone is keeping well.
It is looking more likely than not that we will not be running a league this season. We are still holding out hope that we could run a nine week season. However it will need to start by Wednesday July 15th. A lot of factors will come into that, like will all pubs be open, will all players want to or be available to play. Another option would be to run competitions only, this would take less weeks and could start later. We are keeping all our options open and NO decisions have been made.
Another point is entrance fees that have been paid in. There are a few options about this and we are keeping this under review.
Thank You
Looking back - 06/05/2020
1985 Season
While we still have no Aunt Sally at the moment, I thought it would be good to delve back in history. The 1985 season saw us have 21 sections with 209 teams and over 2,000 players. The Black Bull Launton won the Premiership for their first and only time. Dave Wilson won the top dolls with 244 dolls an average of 13.4.
The Singles winner was Mick Beane from The George who defeated John Pagano from the Royal Green Jackets.
Pairs Winners were Doug Califano and Dave Wilson from The Black Swan who defeated Malcolm Crook and Geoff Townsend from The Chequers Cabbies.

Well, we should be less than a week away from the start of the season and looks like the weather would have been be nice to us. There is still no change on if, how and when the league will start. Everything is in place once we get the go ahead, so depending on governments advice as to when pub/clubs can reopen we will not release anything until then.
Keep safe.
I think we can safely say that an eighteen week season is now not possible!! We are looking at different ways to run the league, one being having a nine week season where everyone will play each other once and hold all competitions at the end of the season as block play offs.
We are guided by what the government decides and once we are able to make a decision we will let you know.
Keep safe.
The latest news from the government relating to the closure of pubs/clubs has meant that the league will not start on Wednesday April 22nd. We are still in the process of grading teams and sorting out the sections. We want everything to be in place once we get the all clear.
We have a few options in mind, which we don't want to share right now, otherwise we will just be bombarded with that's not right, do this or do that.
What we do want to do though is run some format of a league once the go ahead as been given.
We will have seven full sections again, although there is one space to fill.
Keep looking at the website for more updated details.
The Inter League competition to be held at Banbury has been cancelled. Please pass the word around.
CORUNAVIRUS - 17/03/2020
As a result of the government advice issued yesterday the committee will be meeting in the next few days to see what options are available to us.
We are still planning on the league running a full schedule and are awaiting a couple of more forms to sent in.
We will then sort out the grading's and sections.
We will keep reviewing the situation on a daily basis so please keep checking the website for updates. If we do start on the scheduled date, 22nd April, fixture sheets and cards may not be ready until then, however the fixture sheet will be on the website a week earlier. We have a few ideas going forward if we can not start on the scheduled date.
This situation is beyond any of our control and the first major interruption to our league for 82 years (apart form WW2) Any decision we make may be taken out of our hands if all pubs and clubs are ordered to shut.
The players health will always be at the forefront of any decision we make so please bear with us over the coming months.
ENTRANCE FORM 2020 - 14/03/2020
We still have a few places to fill up. These will be on a first come first serve basis and final closing date will be Friday 20th March.
You can download the entrance form for the 2020 season from the link on the front page or collect one from Andy Beal or Kevin Giles.
Forms to be returned by Saturday 14th March.
The new season will start on Wednesday 22nd April, last game on Wednesday 2nd September and any league play offs on Wednesday 9th September.
Finals night at Cowley Workers Club, Friday 9th October 2020