Last update: Fri 6 Sep 2024 16:02


Kevin Stuart was in tremendous form when he clanged off 14 dolls including a maximum six (6-5-3) for Littlemore British Legion at The Catherine Wheel A in their 2-1 victory. Legion lost the opening leg by the smallest of margins 23-24 but came storming back in the next two legs winning them both 26-23, 25-22.
After last weeks loss White House bounced back in a high scoring game against a depleted Swan team. They set and won the opening leg with an impressive 32, Swan replying with 25. Swan then set an imposing 27 however this proved to be no problem for the White House who hit 31 in reply. Swan won a deserved point in the final leg by the smallest of margins 27-26. Rob Bradford (5-5-3) Steve McAteer (6-4-3) & Roger Goodall (5-3-5) all hit a bakers dozen for The White House, while Mark Revill done the same for The Swan (3-6-4) and Mark Hewitson top scored with a superb 14 dolls (5-4-5).
Gladiators set and won the opening leg at home to Black Horse ‘A’ 27-24 but then collapsed in the second leg when they could only set 19, Black Horse galloping past that with ease hitting 27. Final and deciding leg Gladiators set 23 and Black Horse was on course to pass that but a couple of blobs in the middle scuppered their chances and ended up three short with 20. Andy Beal top scored for The Glad’s with 13 dolls (5-4-4).
Yarnton British Legion raced into a 2-0 lead when they won both legs at home to New Club ‘A’ 23-20, 21-15, however New Club bounced back in the final leg to set with an superb 29 which included a blob, Legion had no answer and could only manage 11 in reply. Liam Purcell for The New Club had a mixed night, hitting a 2 and a blob he then whipped off all six in his final throw.
North Leigh FC made it six points out of six when they had a comfortable win at home to Garsington Sports Club 23-14, 20-18, 22-10.

In Section 2 Catherine Wheel C were in top form when they claimed maximum points at home to Masons Arms A who set the opening leg with 19. In reply The Wheel left anchor man Leon Kirkbride needing four to win and he went one better by hitting 5 dolls. A set of 13 by The Masons in the second leg was no where near enough as The Wheel surpassed that with ease hitting 24.They then completed the whitewash in the final leg 22-14. Steve Tooke (4-5-4) and Josh Breakspear (4-4-5) top scored for the Wheel with 13 dolls.
The Blackbird came away from Bletchingdon Sports with a 2-1 win in the leg scores of 16-9, 21-16, 16-20. James Dineen threw well for the Bird for his dozen dolls (4-5-3).
Consistent throwing by The Black Horse B saw them grab all three points at home to Seacourt Arms 20-15, 18-16, 21-19.
Queens Head had a straightforward 3-0 home win against Vikings Sports 14-10, 17-15, 13-8.
Duke of Monmouth started off well at home to Ampleforth Arms when they set and won the opening leg 18-15, however that was to be their only success as The Amp hit straight back in the next two legs 20-11, 14-13 to record a 2-1 win.

In Section 3 despite scoring more dolls than their visitors, Six Bells ‘B’ lost to Cricketers Arms 2-1 in a close tight game. The Bells set the opening leg with 13 and in return a 4 from anchor man Doug Mingham saw the Cricketers snatch the leg by the odd doll with 14. The second leg was tied 13-13 with The Cricketers winning the leg on three sticks. The Bells salvaged a point in the final leg 19-15. Simon Hopkins for the Bells was in top form with a baker’s dozen (4-4-5).
Northway Club ‘B’ came away from New Club ‘B’ with a hard-fought close battle 2-1 victory. They won the opening leg by the smallest of margins 13-12. New Club struck straight back in the next leg to level 20-15. Final and deciding leg went to Northway on three sticks after it was tied 12-12.
Headington Con Club started of brightly at Masons Arms ‘B’ when they went into an early lead winning the leg 18-10, however it went downhill from there as Masons won the next two legs 17-10, 16-10.
Despite two blobs in their opening leg Cowley Workers still managed to put 18 on the board which was enough as Six Bells ‘C’ could only hit 14 in reply. The Bells then set 16 in the next leg, and it seemed to be enough to draw them level when the Workers left anchorman Eamon Hanlon needing all six to win the leg. He gave it a good go and fell just one short with 5 to send the leg to three sticks which the Workers won to send them two up. The Workers couldn’t make it maximum points when they crashed badly in the final leg. only setting with 8 which the Bells hit 11 in reply. Hanlon ended up with a respectful 11 dolls (4-5-2).

In Section 4 Northway ‘C’ recorded a 3-0 win at home to Red Lion Cassington who’s cause wasn’t helped by two of their players blobbing out in the leg scores of 13-6, 12-5, 12-9. Jack Lane was top dog for Northway with 9 dolls (5-2-2).
After a disastrous start in the opening leg which they lost 11-7 to Catherine Wheel ‘B’, White Hart regrouped and won the next leg 14-10 and then completed the turnaround in the final leg 14-11.
The George came away from Donnington Club with all three points winning each leg 18-11, 12-9, 9-8. Sam King was top dog with 9 dolls (4-3-2).

SIXERS: K.Stuart (Littlemore B.L.) S.McAteer (White House) L.Purcell (New Club ‘A’)

BLOBBERS: R.McDonald, J.Thompson (Red Lion Cassington) A.Painter (Catherine Wheel ‘B’)

14: K.Stuart (Littlemore B.L.) M.Hewitson The Swan)
13: A.Beal (Gladiators) M.Revill (The Swan) S.McAteer, R.Bradford, R.Goodall (White House) S.Hopkins (Six Bells ‘B’)

White House 32 dolls

White House 89 dolls


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